Monday, September 7, 2009

a small announcement

I just have two small announcements:
  1. Yes, I do have the power to change what the Kitties look like. Until I figure out how to get more taen one on my blog, I can change which cat is on the screen. In the last post, I gave a link to the site I can get them from. So if you go there, and find a cat you like, then you could post a comment with the cat's name. If you do then I will change it to that cat until I get another request.
  2. Did you notice the new fish pond? I can also change the colors of those! If you want me to change those as well, well you get the point. You can also feed those fish, by just clicking on your mouse in the box.
~Really cute kitty part two, Robin


  1. Yay! Fishies! They were real hungry. :P Nice cat, Robin.

  2. I would like to know more about you. Can you do a short post about what makes you, YOU?
