Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lost at lunchtime

"Well, when I started middle school, I was nervous about where to sit during lunch. I knew from orientation that the cafeteria was really big and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find my friends. I REALLY don't want to be walking around with a lunch tray and not be able to find my friends."

Here's my advice:
I guess it could be kinda awkward wandering around the cafeteria. So here are some things that I would suggest:
  • If you have class with the friends you were planing to sit with right before lunch, then why don't you walk to lunch with those friends?
  • But if you don't, then call your friends ahead of time and think of a place to sit there. (Just try to remember where the tables were from orientation, ie: near the back door, by the lunch line...)
  • Oh, and are you really going to look that odd if you can't find your friends? A whole bunch of people are starting middle school too, probably with the same fear you do!
~Reconnecting friends, Robin

Friday, August 28, 2009

Got the blues?

Got the back to school blues? What's wrong? I will be glad to give advice to anyone who posts a comment about their back to school blues. I'll wait five days, and then give advice to anyone who asked for it. Oh, and i guess you could post a non school related problem too.

~Respectfully (again) Robin

need some summer fun?

What screams summer fun more then a slip-and-slide or running through the sprinklers? Here's something most people have probably not tried, why not put the sprinkler under a trampoline? This is how I've been spending my last days of summer. You have got to try it! Even if you're an adult, let loose!

Another thing, who's had a good BBQ recently? My dad has one almost every week! He invites his friends, and sometimes i invite my friends too. eventually, we all sit down to a dinner of BBQ'd hot dogs and hamburgers!

~R&R, Robin
(Rest and Relaxation)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


What is an imponderable? Well, the way I see it, it is something often pondered about. But most people don't know the answer! Here are some of my home made imponderables:

  • If you are drawing a picture of water, why is it always blue?
  • Why do we put apples on a teacher's desk?
  • What in hairspray or hair gel makes your hair stick together?
  • Why are digital watch lights usually blueish or greenish?
I got this idea from the series of Imponderables books by David Feldman (highly suggested). If you have a good imponderable, and would like an answer, (or you have an answer to one of mine)then just post a comment!

P.S. here are some of my personal favorites from the book, with answers!

  • If you turn up the radio will the batteries drain faster? Yes. Three times faster.
  • Why do paper-cuts hurt so much? Well, you have the most nerve endings in your hands, which is the place you usually would get a paper cut. Also, I think you should keep cuts moist to heel faster.
  • Do penguins have knees? Yes! Their feathers just cover them up!
  • why do dogs tilt there heads if you talk to them? In their language, it means they are listening to you! Plain staring means they are showing aggression and if they look away, then we could assume they are not listening.
~Revealing Answers, Robin

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Help Inspire Me

I had always liked art as a little kid, and of course, I still do! I have also noticed that I haven't gotten much better. For example, I've been drawing the same "lollipop" tree for seven years! :( Any help, please? All I need is a little inspiration and cool stuff to draw.

What's your specialty...
  • nature?
  • manga?
  • animals?
  • cartoons or comics?
  • anything???

Please leave a comment if you know anything either inspiring, or fun/easy to draw. Thanks!!!

Respectfully, Robin

Take it as it Lasts

The Pond at Brookside Gardens

There is so much to do in summer time, not all of it can be done. For instance have you ever...

  • frozen grapes? (I hear they're good!)
  • biked around in the rain?
  • gone to your local botanical garden?
In fact, I did go to my local botanical garden. Yes it was kinda hot, but boy was it worth it! There is so much to do, like going to the Wings of Fancy Butterfly Show. Talk about flying colors! There are long walks, fountains, a Japanese Tea House overlooking a pond, a labyrinth(fun for kids), and even a Children's Garden! It just makes me wonder, what do you have in your area?

What have YOU done for fun this summer, and what would YOU suggest other people visit?

~Recreational Robin